Museum of Minor Incidents

📢 A performative exhibition of site-specific audio games 👟 Nagoya, 2013 🏠 Aichi Triennale 🐯 with Invisible Playground members Daniel Boy, Josa Gerhard and Christiane Hütter 🔗 website
Participants interacting during one of the exhibits

For Aichi Triennale 2013, together with Daniel Boy, Josa Gerhard and Christiane Hütter from Invisible Playground, I created an exhibition format for short, site-specific games playable by groups of 4 in places scattered throughout the city.

Visitors were equipped with MP3 audio guides (or could use their smart-phones), followed the MoMI map to one of the exhibit locations in public space and pressed play - all at the same time. Like the interlinked but different voices in a musical composition, each player’s individual audio track instructed them to enact their part in a situation that become the exhibit itself.

All games were written on the basis of interviews with residents we conducted during a site visit.

Participants interacting during one of the exhibits
The mobile interface for experiencing the exhibits